Women’s Wellness Day of Self-care

May 17, 2025

Empower and protect yourself and the women and girls dear to you!

Our Women’s Wellness event was born from a vision to provide essential care to those who need it most. Thirteen years ago, a dedicated health educator at The Floating Hospital recognized that many women found it nearly impossible to get mammogram screenings. This realization sparked a movement, leading to our partnership with the American Italian Cancer Foundation (AICF) and creating a program that has now evolved into our Women’s Wellness Day of Self-care.

Today, this event is more than just a health initiative; it’s a celebration of women’s health and empowerment. We understand that women often overlook their well-being amidst the stress of their many responsibilities. This event is an oasis of care and relaxation, offering a range of services and educational opportunities for women and girls.

Join us on May 17, 2025

An exciting agenda!

What we offer:

  • Breast exams and mammogram screenings*: Detects early signs of cancer, ensuring prompt diagnosis and treatment.

  • Cervical cancer screenings and consultations: These screenings are essential for preventing and detecting cancer (when it’s most treatable).

  • STI/STD/HPV screenings: Regular screenings help detect infections early, preventing complications like infertility, cancer and transmission to others.

  • HPV vaccines for girls and young women 9+: The immune reaction is stronger in preteens, making the vaccine more effective when given at a younger age.

  • Fibroid screenings/transvaginal sonograms: Helps diagnose uterine fibroids and other reproductive health issues, prompting timely management of symptoms like heavy bleeding, pain and fertility concerns.

    *Mammogram eligibility: women aged 40-75, must not have had a mammogram in the past 12 months, and cannot be pregnant, breastfeeding or have breast implants. NYC resident. Patients with or without insurance accepted.

Empowerment and education:

  • Special focus on preteen girls, 9+: educating young girls about body changes and menstruation with giveaways of personal care products

  • Classes for adult women: focusing on stress management and preparation for menopause

  • Books and resources: covering topics like menopause, preteen self-esteem and body changes

Pampering, refreshments and fun:

  • Spa treatments, massages and giveaways, including personal care items, lingerie and clothing

  • Self-care goodies that will make you feel pampered and indulged.

  • Breakfast and lunch

  • Raffles and prizes

Our aim is to create a nurturing environment where you can learn, relax and focus on your heath and well-being. And we encourage you to bring the young girls (9 years old+) in your life to celebrate with you. From interactive teaching sessions to health screenings and fun activities, this event is designed to leave you feeling refreshed, inspired and motivated to prioritize your physical and mental health.

At The Floating Hospital, we’re committed to supporting all women and girls in our community. Join us at our Women’s Wellness Day of Self-care, where we celebrate you and your health, today and every day.

A mammogram can save your life

What is a mammogram and how can it help me?

A mammogram is a low-dose x-ray picture of the breast. Mammograms can find lumps when they are still too small to be felt by a patient or their doctor. Finding breast cancer early can lead to more treatment options and reduces your risk of dying from the disease. It’s always important to work with your doctor to check your breasts in addition to getting a mammogram.

Who should get a mammogram?

An annual mammogram is recommended for people 40 or older. Talk to your doctor to discover if you are at higher risk and should have additional tests or more frequent mammograms.

How do I prepare for my mammogram?

Don’t wear deodorant, perfume, lotion or powder under your arms or on your breasts the day of your exam. These might make it difficult to read the x-ray. Let us know if you have breast implants. Bring prior mammograms or have them sent to us in advance of your appointment. When you make your appointment: Tell us if you might have difficulty sitting up, lifting your arms or holding your breath.

What can I expect during my mammogram?

You will need to take off your outerwear and bra. You will stand in front of the x-ray machine. Your breast is placed on a small platform. A clear plastic plate presses down on your breast for a few seconds: this might feel uncomfortable. The technician will take several pictures of your breast. A specialist will then review the pictures.

How do I get my results?

Results will be mailed to the patient. For any abnormal results, patients will be contacted to make an appointment to discuss results.

Cervical cancer screenings are an important part of preventitive healthcare for many people

What is a cervical cancer screening test and how can it help me?

Early cancer detection can help prevent cancer or find it early. We offer two cervical cancer screening tests:

  • Pap test (Pap smear) that looks for changes on the cervix that might become cervical cancer if they are not treated. The changes are called “precancers.”

  • HPV test that looks for a virus called human papillomavirus that can cause cell changes.

Who should get screened?

If you have a cervix, you should start getting Pap tests at age 21. Speak to your doctor to find out what tests are best for you and how often you should be tested.

How do I prepare for my cervical cancer screening?

Don’t schedule your test if you will have your period at the time of the test. Two days before and up to the day of your test: Don’t douche, use a tampon, have intercourse, use birth control foam, cream or jelly or any medicine or cream in your vagina.

What can I expect during my cervical cancer screening?

During the Pap test, the doctor will use an instrument called a speculum, to widen your vagina. This will help the doctor examine your vagina and cervix. A few cells will be collected and then sent to a laboratory to be checked and tested.

How do I get my results?

All normal results will be available on the patient portal. For any abnormal results, the patient will be contacted to schedule an appointment to discuss the results.

HPV vaccines prevent infections that can cause cancer

What is HPV?

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a common sexually transmitted infection that can cause various health problems, including genital warts and certain types of cancer. HPV is the chief cause of cervical cancer, the fourth most common for women worldwide.

How do HPV vaccines protect me?

HPV vaccines are designed to prevent infection by some of the most prevalent strains of HPV, including those responsible for most cases of cervical cancer, as well as other types of cancer and genital warts.

Aside from preventing cervical cancer, the HPV vaccine offers significant benefits: it helps prevent other HPV-derived types of cancer (anal, vaginal, oropharyngeal), reduces the risk of genital warts, and can even render unnecessary medical procedures like colposcopy and cervical biopsies, used to diagnose HPV-related abnormalities.

Who should get the HPV vaccine?

It is recommended that both boys and girls receive the HPV vaccine before they become sexually active, ideally between the ages of 11 and 12. Vaccination at this age provides the best protection by helping to ensure vaccination before potential HPV exposure. However, the vaccine can be given to anyone up to age 45 who has not already been vaccinated. Ask your doctor if an HPV vaccine is right for you.

Additional information about the HPV vaccine and cancers caused by HPV can be found on the CDC website.

Thank you to our sponsors and supporters

  • American-Italian Cancer Foundation (AICF)

  • Berenny Garcia

  • Care360

  • Direct Relief

  • Dreamwear

  • Matter

  • Primp spa

  • USA Clinics

  • VNS Select

  • Special thanks to our wish list donors!