Discreet HIV testing, prevention and treatment

We pride ourselves on being a friendly clinic open to everyone

We know the stigma sometimes associated with HIV testing.

That’s why we’ll treat your appointment with the utmost discretion.

The only way you can know your status for sure is by testing. If you learn that you are positive, there are medications that can help you live a long and healthy life—and also reduce your risk of transmitting HIV to others.

Knowing your status is empowering and the first step to living a full and healthy life. People between the ages of 13 to 64 should test for HIV at least once as part of routine health care. People at high risk should test more frequently.


Starting treatment after early diagnosis will reduce HIV-related illness and will help prevent transmission to others. People who learn that they are HIV-negative can make informed decisions about their lifestyle and healthcare choices. For example, they can take steps protecting them from infection, such as taking PrEP as a preventative measure.

Our pharmacy

We have our own pharmacy at our main clinic in Long Island City. Our pharmacists consult directly with your providers to customize your medication treatment plan.

If you’re treated at our LIC clinic, take your medications with you before you go home. If you’re treated at one of our other sites, we’ll deliver your prescriptions for free.

Uninsured or underinsured? You might be eligible for low cost medication under our 340B program. Ask when you make your appointment.